Saturday, May 23, 2009


When I finally posted that last post for some reason it was too late and I was too grumpy to put any words in it. So I guess I'll do an abbreviated version now. The cake was a recipe I've been wanting to try that calls for a significant amount of smushed raspberries. We'd just got raspberries from costco, and since there were only 3 of us at home and 6 boxes of raspberries I figured I try it. It turned out pretty well, if I make it again I think I'd try and tip the flavor balance more towards the chocolate and less towards the raspberries. I'm glad I'd been planning on giving quite a bit away. It was as rich as could be. The batter resembled brownie batter, so I was thinking it would be like a condensed brownie, but upon cutting into it the texture is closer to fudge. The cups are the results of a particularly successful spontaneous DI run...I've stopped telling people how many I bought since they just laugh at me (not without reason). Anyway suffice it to say that I am now the proud owner of 13 nice water gobblets that cost a grand total of $9.75. My mom sent me an email that said I may have found my calling in life buying glassware...not sure if that really counts as a calling in life, but i'll take it. I guess the other way to look at it is that Elen may be prone to a certain degree of excessiveness, but I guess there are worse places to be addicted to than DI.

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