Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This is because I want to put something new up, and I've been a tad homesick for Paris this week.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We all feel the same....

Well, you know the saying "French women don't get fat" (and to be factual-ish in my experience to me most French women aren't sticks, but there is something...very French about French women, which I like, and my theory of which we won't go into right now) here's proof that at least they feel fat too. I ordered a French magazine to help me work a little on my French and the translation with artistic license is "How to get thinner without having to work too hard" just like all the magazines here.

Four Happy Faces

Friday, March 19, 2010

Main Street

So today my Dad and I went on a architecture and restaurant scouting walk on Main Street. We had a really good time and here's what we saw.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Change of Tone

Ok, so mountain lion blog post is just too depressing. I've been trying to get something new to put on, but haven't had any inspiration as of yet...and haven't had the time to turn my mind to the problem. So I think we're going to go with old happy pictures of kids cuz their so cute.