Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry un-Tuesday

Wow, today was so discouraging, frustrating, and hard to get through for some reason. Maybe it was due to the end of the holidays. I was really tired and disoriented; fatigue often seems to lend itself to discouragement, maybe that was it. Whatever it was I hope it doesn't come back tomorrow. With the ways my weeks are currently it's always a relief when Tuesday comes to a close. I am particularly happy today to leave Tuesday behind and move on to the rest of the week.


The Williamsons said...

I hope the rest of the week goes better for you. :)

Whitney Denney said...

I've always disliked Tuesdays. There isn't much to look forward to. Monday the "fresh start" is over but the end of the week is far, far away. Of course that was until Derek and I started this non-traditional work week. Now, ironically, Fridays aren't what they are cracked up to be :)