Monday, April 20, 2009

The world at 4am

In case you're wondering what the world looks like at 4am now you know. (At least the parts of the world that matter at 4am...the microwave from whence comes hot chocolate and the traffic on Sunnyside/Foothill that impacts the time taken away from sleeping to get to work.) I could also tell you what it looks like at 5:50, but suffice it to say foothill more busy.


Elen said...

Disclaimer: My work schedule starts at 6am, I only had to do 4 once.

John Chatelain said...

HAhAHA...this is funny, and also a little painful. Chances are I was up at that hour too, but that would have been 'still up' and not 'just up'. I really appreciate that you took the time to document this. :)

Whitney Denney said...

I've never seen the world at that time. I'm glad to know it's still there.

Nourishing Creations said...
