Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Père Lachaise and Montmartre Cemeteries

Here are my pictures from the Père Lachaise and Montmartre Cemeteries. They are older famous cemeteries in Paris. The Père Lachaise cemetery in particular boasts the resting places of very many famous people from Abelard and Heloise, to Jim Morrison, to Molière, Oscar Wilde, and many more. The Montmartre Cemetery was more run down, and mostly begun in the 19th century, but apart from the Père Lachaise being on a bigger scale, having a lot bigger monuments, and many more newer tombs, they were reasonably similar. The Montmartre had a greater melange between new and old and didn't have the same level of grandeur and felt a lot more forelorn, but in other ways was more enjoyable.

The below pictures are from the Montmartre Cemetery

From the Père Lachaise Cemetery


Kim said...

Haha, I especially love Oscar Wilde's grave. I still don't really understand why everyone kisses it with lipstick...

Whitney Denney said...

So where's a picture of Abelard and Heloise? Did you take one of their resting place?

Elen said...

Yeah, I did take one of Ableard and Heloise, but the dang thing was under restoration...after years of wanting to see it, it hit me as kind of ironic...so it had scaffolding all around it which kind of took away my picture fervor. I have one, i'll email it to you.