Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YEAH BABY! That is what I'm talkn' about!!!

You remember those sleek, wood-paneled, oh-so-chic cars of my youth, the 90's? They were EVERYWHERE and then all of a sudden one day they all disappeared. My personal theory is that on that day aliens came down and zapped them all up to space because they were so enamoured with them. I randomly stumbled a remarkably rare and well preserved specimen walking home from work, and have provided an image here so that you may all also have the eerie moment of memory and nostalgia. I mean, you still see VW vans on the road relatively often, and they are YEARS older than these babies. To be truly classic it should be a mini-van, but there may be none left in existence on Earth. I suppose this discrepancy could be due to an admirable longevity of VW vans, or a remarkable passion in their owners that keeps them running, but I am quite decided that it is because aliens are partial to wood paneling.

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