Thursday, September 10, 2009

Babes with Shades

Well, once in sight it was obvious that the sunglasses place would be one of the first and major stops on our Labor Day weekend family trip to Newport. And at 2 for $10, the only question left for Whit and Lyds was "Which?"

Little self-portrait of tag-a-long photographer as said individual only aspires to a modest with a zing look for her tinted eye-wear. Her face and eyebrows were not made for truly fashionable shades, which is just as well as she does not currently wear contacts and requires prescription lenses.

(aw, they are so cute!)


Just for those of you who may be concerned, I wanted to assure you, that just in case you haven't heard more that you ever cared to about Michael Jackson, rest at ease! You can purchase sunglasses with his face on them so he can always be with you and you can see everything through his eyes. Pretty much priceless...especially at $5.

1 comment:

John Chatelain said...

The intro to the self portrait is one of the best bits of self-captioning that I have read in ages!!! Great work Elen.