Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mine Hobby

So for the past year-ish (maybe a bit less) one of the things I've been focusing on is trying to develop more of a legit hobby that maybe I can turn to some account some day, or at least enjoy and have another focus besides working. A lot of this focus has been on jewelry making. These are pictures of the significant things I've made so far, I'm looking forward to doing more soon. I've been spending time collecting things (read buying things), but I think I've got enough to shift to actually making more things.

The two silver pieces (the ones with the stones) are the most impressive/complicated. I did them in the silversmithing class I took with my mom. The other two bracelets are aluminum (high enough grade that they are ok on the skin). The rings are buttons, and re-purposed cuff link and earring. The silver stuff required a torch, but as of now I'm trying to do things that don't need a torch. Lots to learn! I'm starting with stamping.

I didn't make these, I bought them at boutiques around Christmas. I'm not planning on anything as ambitious as the birds (aren't they adorable?) but I'd like to maybe do a couple hair things just for me for fun. I'd also like to do some paper-goods stuff, but we'll see how far I get.
The silver bracelet used to look like this...crazy it turned out, huh?
I want to make a necklace soon. I went through the beads/charms that I've collected over the years and pulled out a bunch I want to experiment with...just looking at all those pretty things I love makes me happy.

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