Sunday, October 3, 2010

Logan Adventures 2.1

Logan DI, the dress I so wanted to buy for Halloween, but was unwilling to pay $20 for.
Typo or cutesyness as it is in Wellsville, UT? We couldn't decide.
Maddox Family Drive-In in Perry, UT


Whitney Denney said...

Looks so fun you guys! By the way if you find a good blonde wig, I will totally be Marilyn Monroe for Halloween.

Nourishing Creations said...

Maddox is a family tradition generation(s) back on my mom's side. Thanks for sharing. It looks good! A lot of my family is from Logan, and all my mom's family is buried in Wellsville.
Elen- Your hair cut looks great. Mine was long....and I just got it cut, with the intention of keeping it long. I wanted it to look like yours, now I just have mushroom shaped hair. Now I know why I didn't get my hair cut for 10 months, because MD is NO good with hair cuts!!
You look great!