Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Dozen Ways To Enjoy Good Heath circa 1937

From my Grandma's "Pupil's Health Report" from when she was 8 and living in NYC in February 1937

Department of Health Board of Education
The City of Ney York


Drink a quart of milk a day (preferably Vitamin D milk)

Be cheerful and happy. Have a hobby.

Play and exercise outdoors in the sunshine.

Use cod-liver oil daily, October to May, or some other good source of Vitamin D, such as Vitamin D milk.

Empty the bowels at a regular time each day, preferably after breakfast.

Stay away from people with coughs and colds and other communicable illnesses.

Rest from one-half to one hour each day. Get at least nine to ten hours sleep each night in a quiet, well-ventilated room.

Be protected against diphtheria, smallpox and other preventable illnesses.

Keep your teeth clean and sound.

Visit your doctor once a year, and your dentist every 6 months.

Have all physical defects corrected or cured. are you doing health-wise? (Please omit anything to do with your bowels.) Agreements, disagreements? Enjoyable aspects?


Emily said...

It's all very regulated isn't it? Time, measurement, amount. No wonder Sukey ate ketchup sandwiches, it was rebellion.

Whitney Denney said...

I wonder: what qualifies as a physical defect?