Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in Brussels

Dinner included rotisserie chicken, mashed yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots in a marmalade glaze, hummus, brie, bread, and pudding. Yummy.

I don't have a picture with everyone, but we had 3 Americans, 1 Portuguese, 1 Frenchman, 2 Germans, 1 Brit, and 1 Bulgarian (if I remember right).

...and no Thanksgiving would be complete without hand trukeys.


Susan said...

I love the hand turkeys! I am glad to see that you had a good Hoilday even though you are so far away from your family and friends!

Whitney Denney said...

I was pretty sure there would be no pumpkin pie in Europe. If it was a common, or even uncommon but known, food in the area the European girls in Canada wouldn't have freaked out about it.