Sunday, April 22, 2012

Awesome Lamp

This lamp was a rental from the estate sale in Ogden for the film. It got a lot of comments from the crew and was a general favorite. We think she's from the 20's ish, she has a little light and a little machine so light and fog will come up through the top of her pot. How awesome is that!

Retro Necklaces I bought a couple weeks ago

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tool Nerds

For the film I am working on I am working in the Art Department. The defining tool of the Art Department is the Leatherman. I was finally going nuts not having one of my own that I decided to buy a cheap one, turns out my Dad had a nice one that he was kind enough to let me borrow, so I didn't buy one after all. At two separate times two different guys stopped mid conversation with me to gaze at my Leatherman say to me, "that looks like a nice Leatherman, is that a Wave?". I should note at this point of my narrative that each time they were probably 3ft away from my Leatherman which was sitting on the table. I then proceeded to get a deer-in-headlights look which evolved into a "how the heck should I know" look. I consulted the print on the Leatherman to discover it is indeed a Wave. Tool nerds. Honestly, how many people have the different varieties of Leatherman memorized and can identify them (while closed) from 3 ft away. I'm more of a Leatherman is a Leatherman, is a Leatherman person. Guess I have lots to learn still, but I feel pretty cool with my hard core tool.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Eggs

Our family wasn't planning on dying Easter Eggs this year, but we did after all. :)  Here are some pictures I took. I tried an experiment that I found on pinterest where you wrap the egg in a silk tie and dye it that way. It didn't turn out at all like theirs did, but it was fun. Lydia's eggs all turned out cooler than mine. The rewards of patience.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yarn Bombing!

My Mom is a knitter and has been following some fun knitting blogs and happily discovered yarn bombing which is on the rise in the knitting community. In short is is the nicest form of vandalism possible. In sort you cover something (tree, bike rack, lamp post) with knitting. We did it to our own house with some knitted goods we picked up from the DI (refer to previous post). :)
 Our weapons of choice.

 The gang.
 Lydia dubbed the one in the front yard "our tree-hugging cozy, making tree-hugging a comfortable experience."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vacation Day

I did my best and was in bed before 9 last night, but when my alarm went of at 5 I had that unmistakable feeling where you know you are at the edge of the precipice where if you push it you'll be sick the next day and if you kick back you'll squeeze by. So I took a vacation from my film volunteering (the benefit to being a volunteer). I went back to bed and got a solid 13hrs of sleep. I got some good things done like getting my car payment mailed etc, and spent some much-missed time with my Mom. We went to several DIs on a mission who's full import will be revealed later. We had uber-much success (more than idea, but it's a fun problem). We also got to hang out with Whitters which was great, and saw my aunt Liz at one of the DIs (yeah, we have a cool family). When we got home I cleaned up some of the stuff I'd got had a rest and then made some jewelry (which all worked out! It was golden, lots of times you have a great idea and it doesn't come together) and had a bath. It's been a totally lovely and needed day and now I'm staying up way too late to write this post. Here are pictures of some of the things of the day.
 I made most of this today, very pleased with it, not the best view of the long necklace at the bottom, but it's cute. The green plate/bowl are one of the days fantabulous DI finds.
 Cute grouping of cups to put pencils or flowers in.
 Cute glass dish, never seen one with this pattern before (we've become connoisseurs.)
 Teal acrylic 3/4 length sweater great for work.
 K, this whole kurffle a couple years ago was not in the best of taste, and this purchase is in somewhat poor taste, but I wanted one of these shirts at the time, but didn't get one. So, for $2 I caved and fulfilled that wish...need to find the least offensive way possible to wear it once. Maybe to the gym...maybe it'll just live with me for a while and then go back to DI.
 Fantastic tee that my mom found for me. Can't wait to wear this one with a sweater.
 I am a little embarrassed about fond I am of this item, which I will style as "retro men's sweater". But I am quite fond of it and when I'm in the right mood I'm going to rock it with some jeans. :)
 Great shirt from Express (can I say I heart the men's dept?). It's a men's small, so as it's from Express it fits great, just comfortably loose. ;)  Actually their stuff isn't that abnormally tiny like some stores are.

Pushing the Poof

So I've been trying to develop a style with more volume. I definitely was sporting more volume today than I usually do. My hair was happily cooperative today so I threw it up and went out decided it was not too much poof and that I could rock it. Here are some lovely (cough) pictures I took. My mom was kind enough to take the side view. I saw it and started laughing talk about POOF. The window was open and the window blowing, though.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Warehouse

As some of you know I'm volunteering/interning for the Art Department of a film it is a small budget kids/family show set in the 1930's. I took some pictures today of what our area of the warehouse looks like with all sorts of different things that have been collected for the sets. A lot of stuff was on the truck or on sets, so the area is really sparse compared to how it's been. I took the pics with my phone, so they didn't turn out that great in the low light, but they're fun anyway.
  Before and After...look how tidy I made everything.

Vintage Fashion Show

As part of the celebration of the Relief Society's Birthday my home ward had a Vintage Fashion show with clothing from the 1800's to the 90's. They are an amazing group of ladies and always do such a fantastic job with things. All the outfits came from people in the ward and there were probably around 30. Members of the Relief Society and Young Women modeled them to a cute narration about the fashion of the time and who wore the specific item of clothing where. I had way too much fun. I got to wear two fantastic dresses. As you can probably tell I had no problem strutting my stuff on the red carpet.
Late 1800's wedding dress.
 Rack with some of the dresses.
 Back detail of a 40's wedding dress.